Wow, it has been well over a month since I blogged last, where does the time go? So much has been going on, hmm, where to start? Well, we do have an intern staying with us, Delanee Scone, who will be here a total of 8 weeks. It is so nice having an extra pair of hands around and she has done some awesome artwork at the orphanage. All the kids love her and we will be sad to see her go home in a couple of weeks. We have also got a rabbit farm up and running at HHCH, plus a chicken coop built. The rains have come and the farm has been turned and ready for planting next week. I will post pictures of all this soon.
Much has been going on in the life of Sandrine too, she went for a consultation at a hospital that specializes in crooked limbs (only a 30 minute drive, amazing!). The doctors said her problem isn't serious and that her legs should straighten out just fine. They measured her for braces and then we took her back there last week. She will be at the hospital for about a month as she learns to walk with braces and has physical therapy every day. Pa is staying with her. The biggest issue was her fear of the hospital and doctors as it wasn't too pleasant for her last time when they dug 60 parasites out of her hands and feet.
We went to visit them yesterday, Sandrine ran out to meet us, she was so happy. We took Ma plus Bena and Dorcus, our two youngest, as Sandrine requested they come and visit her. She was so excited to see them and it was great to see her all smiles. It was a big relief to see her not upset or sad about being there. She had just got her braces that day, and is starting to wear them a few hours each day. Eventually she will be wearing them all day long. It is already pushing her foot forward which is great, but you can tell it is a lot of pressure for her. She can't walk independently with them yet but it won't be long. She does her exercises everyday with lots of other children that are in the same situation. Pa is doing great job of looking after her. I was hoping to take over next weekend to give him a little break but since I'm still nursing Jordan, I don't think it will be possible. I would have to do all the exercises with Sandrine which would be hard with a 9 month around. Pa said it's not a problem but hopefully we will get to give him a bit of a break somehow. Please keep Sandrine in your prayers, that her legs will straighten the way they are meant too and that the process won't be too painful for her. Once she can walk well in the braces she will come home. She could wear the braces for up to one year.
Inside their hospital room
Sandrine showing us her new braces and shoes (she is very excited about them)
My handsome boy
And Jordan chewing on the new braces...
Happy Sandrine
With her braces on, still big smiles! It's amazing to think how far she has come in such a short time.
Our wonderful Ma and Pa
Bena, Sandrine, and Dorcus (best buddies)