The start of February marked the beginning of Sonlight Christian Academy (SCA), a missionary co-op that we're a part of. The theme this year was occupations. The kids enjoyed visiting a printing shop, bakery, and radio station plus having talks from a vet, and property managers to name a few. The boys, as always, had a great time hanging out with their friends and having someone else other than mum teaching them. I always enjoy it too as it is a great time of fellowship with friends that we don't get to see very often and I get to teach kids that aren't mine ;). It is such a blessing that this happens only 10 minutes away from our house, some missionaries have to travel two days to get to it.
Right now I have the organizer of SCA, Elsie, teaching the boys for two weeks (all part of the academy). It has been so nice, I have got an awful lot done in the last week; laundry baskets are empty and I don't have piles of folded clothes stacked on my night stand, can't remember the last time that happened! I've spent some time out in the garden too, heaven! I am looking forward to getting back into normal routine next week though, 12 weeks of school left... then we hit the road.
Some photos of the highlights:
At the printing press
At the bakery... I love the tennis shoes sitting on top of the baking sheets (we buy bread from here all the time :)
The finished project, sure is good!
An afternoon with Pilot Eric of Jaars
Pretty cool!
Seth learning what physical therapist do
Jude's B-day celebration
Jordan had a lot of fun in preschool with her buddies
My little class, I enjoyed teahing them math and language arts
Swimming lessons in the afternoons (with some fun time as well)
Teaching survival skills
One of my favorite activities of the weeks, "mother's tea." A time where all the mums come together, share, encourage and pray (oh and eat too).
Occupation themed closing program photos: Seth was a butcher, Josh a footballer, Jude a cowboy, Jake a missionary explorer, and I was a baker (we just needed a candle stick maker)