This is why New Year resolutions are so good. I made one to blog at least twice a month and if I hadn't, I wouldn't be writing this write now. In about 30 minutes Jake and I are headed to our church's annual "Leaders' Retreat." It is up in the mountains at a small guest house and I can't wait. It will be a time of fasting, prayer, fellowship, encouragement, and planning for 2015. The kids are staying with friends, so I can totally focus on everything (and maybe get an extra hour of sleep in at night?). Should be good!
I have been meaning to get the following photos up for a couple of weeks now. Our main computer has gone kaput so I'm currently using Josh's 10 year old laptop (not very fast!). Anyway, these are photos of Christmas and New Year, we had such an amazing time at HHCH and with friends. Since we are meant to be heading out the door and I still haven't finished packing, this is short and sweet. Enjoy the photos!
Christmas cookies for my women's group at church
HHCH kids decorating cookies for their Christmas concert
The finished product. They did an awesome job!
Snowman cookies for Missionary Christmas Eve party. I had a lot of fun making these!
Christmas morning, headed to HHCH!
The best gift I received on Christmas day; fried fish and fish pies. These were given to us by a neighbour (a sister in Christ) who a couple of months ago was about to be kicked out of her apartment. She had been sick and had to spend her capitol for her little donut business. We got her some flour and oil to start up again and got her lights turned back on. We praise the Lord her business is doing well again and she had enough to spare on Christmas Day!
My custom made bird bath from Jake for Christmas; I LOVE IT!
Right after Christmas, Jake put together a "father and sons" camping trip. Jake, our boys, and a bunch of other missionaries and their sons headed up to the mountains to ride horses, cook over open fires, and sleep in tents. They all had a blast even if they were REALLY cold. So proud of Jude who rode all by himself this time.
New Year's Eve we had a bunch of friends over. We sang and roasted marshmallows, good times!
It gets chilly here at Christmas too! (in the low 60's :D )
PS. I still need to upload photos from our camera of Christmas day at HHCH: hopefully once we get our computer fixed.