Well we are out in Tombel village right now with the Medical team from Jacksonville. There's 15 of them, they're such a great bunch and have been working really hard. We started the free clinic yesterday and so far we've seen over 300 people. There have been a lot of people coming so we're hoping we'll get to see them all before Friday. I've been helping out at the make-shift pharmacy and translating into Pidgin English when needed beside a million other little things. Jake has been driving back and forth to the Agriculture/livestock seminar that is going on in another village (We have a vet on the team). It is only 9 miles away but takes about an hour to get there! Jake is really enjoying all the rocky roads :). Praise God they saw 100 people give their lives to Christ today. In the evening crusades have been going on with hundreds attending. (I haven't been to any as it is too late for the boys). And of course the boys are having a great time as they just get to run around everywhere and everyone is making a big fuss of them as we're in the village. They are completely filthy all the time as they play in the dirt but oh well, at least they're happy :). I can put any pictures up of yet as we are just using our cell phone to send emails. I will post some when we get back next week. Tomorrow we'll be going at a local school to give out some pens and crayons the team brought, I'm gonna give a short word to the students. Thanks to all of you who have been praying, things have ben going great!
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