Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Back in Cameroon

Well, we made it back to Africa and we are just about back to Cameroon time.  Jet lag had us all in a headlock for a few days there. It was a LONG 3 days of travel to get here, never easy with kids, 12 pieces of luggages, and 12 carry-ons, but we all made it in one piece, praise the Lord! On the way back to Bamenda, the Landrover started having brake issues so we had to slow right down (welcome back to Africa!). We didn't get in till it was dark. And as we pulled into Bamenda, all the electricity was out over town (welcome back to Africa!). 

Some friends were waiting at the house for us (and a dinner had been cooked). As we pulled up, it was pitch black, we were trying to hug people, the dogs were going crazy barking and jumping up on us, it was absolute chaos! Then we decided to run down to the orphanage (we had already called to tell them that we were not coming as it was so late). They were in the middle of devos when we walked in and it took them a few seconds to register who we were (a combination of it being pitch black and them not expecting us). Then we literally got squeezed alive. It was so lovely to see all of them again, they have all grown so much. We headed back to the Children's Home the next day (when the lights were on) and they had a presentation for us with songs, a drama, and even two speeches, they are some special kids! Check out the link below to see their welcome song for us. 

Lots of catching up to do with the house, ministry, and homeschooling ( I am ROCKETING away at school with the boys), so it is going to be go go go for the next few weeks. Still hoping to catch up on my blog, and post about the other States we visited while in the US. I need a few more hours in the day!

We brought all the kids back towels, practical yet still a present to make them smile

Sooo good to be back!

The bus in front of us going to Bamenda; now I've seen pigs, goats, chickens, and even dogs on top of buses before, but never a shark!

Our lunch stop on the way up to the NW; Soya, our favourite (grilled meat)!