Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, April 1, 2011

Car wash

Well you know what they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, so I should feel very flattered right now. A car wash in town just put up some new signs and they seem very similar to those of Helping Hands Car Wash that Jake runs (all profits go to the Children's Home)

 Here is the one that Jake designed and I painted

And another one that Jake got made here...

And then here is the ones that the other car wash just put up...

They even stole our motto! Oh well, it must mean that we are doing a good job if they want to copy us so bad, right ?


Greg and Amy said...

It's just too bad that they didn't add the part about the proceeds going to the Children's Home! That would've been the best.

Andrea Pavkov said...

I think you should tell them since they have your motto their proceeds should go to the children's home too:)

Sam Blowes said...

They're faster than you guys, because they put "rapidity" in their motto. They should call you "Mario" because you just got One Up'd!

Monica said...

I just clicked to post a comment and saw that Sam said exactly what I was going to say! Rapidity! lol!

Laurel Conrod said...

That's great! How close are they to where the Helping Hands carwash is?

Schilinski Clan said...

They are actually across town... the owner told Jake that when you see a good thing you have to copy it. Praise the Lord the Car Wash is doing REALLY well right now though. Rapidity... my new favourite word!