Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back from vacation

SO, I wrote this blog over a week ago but couldn't post it as internet was down. We just got back from the East but I thought I would get this one up first and then blog about our trip out to the rain forest:

We got back from vacation over a week ago and I feel like I have been playing catch up ever since... I still have piles of laundry (the constant rain isn't helping!). But it was totally worth it, we had a blast. Vacationing with four kids is definitely a lot of work but we did have a relaxing time and it was nice just all to be together without any pressure of having to do something. We all came home with a nice tan. I have uploaded a bunch of photos to Face Book and you can look at them here (even if you're not a member).

A few memories from the beach:

Going to bed to the sound of crashing waves

Digging my feet in the sand while doing devotions.

Body surfing with the boys and laughing so hard I could hardly breath

Walking on the beach collecting shells with Jude

Singing songs around the campfire at night

Watching Jordan chase leaves in the shallow river

Playing Carcassonne till I couldn't see straight.

Kayaking up the river

Making a raft (Bear Grylls style)

Jumping into the cool ocean after going for a run with Jenna

Eating the most delicious shrimp ever

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