Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Sunday, July 27, 2008

3 weeks today!!!

Three weeks from today we will be having the joy of going through the Yaounde airport to fly to London. 3 weeks! AHHHHH: we've got so much to do in that short time. But I am super excited, it will be so great to see everyone again.

Since coming to Bamenda we've been looking for a church we can get plugged into. The last couple of weeks we've been attending a Full Gospel church that is only a few blocks away from our house. The pastor is very nice but the only problem is, is that they meet in a small room (20' by 20') and have the most enormous speakers in it, and of course they are up full blast (if you've been to Cameroon you'll totally understand). A lot of churches here seem to think that the louder the music is, the more anointed it is :D. So needless to say you can't even hear yourself sing and little Jude just holds on to me for dear life. They also don't have a children's church for the first service. So we tried another little Full Gospel church today, it's about 3 miles from our house. They are only 3 months old with about 50 people in attendance. They meet in a very small room. They have no instruments or speakers yet so it was super awesome. The worship leader had a great voice and it was all real Africa chants and everyone sounded so great, we really enjoyed it and was able to worship the Lord without bursting an eardrum :D. They also had kid's church during the praise and worship (a little unique) but the boys had a great time and made some friends. Josh got to close in prayer, he was excited about that.
There was a student preaching today so we haven't heard the Pastor preach yet but we'll go back next week and see. But we really felt welcomed and comfortable there so this is big praise. Once we get back from the States we can really get involved however. I loved to work with the kid's church of course.

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