Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

West African Critters...

So when we were traveling the other day I got to see something very cool that I've been wanting to see for a long time. Here, at the little road tolls there's lots of vendors selling everything from coconuts to meat on a stick. One guy had a bunch of frogs, and not just any frogs, Goliath Frogs! (the largest frog in the world). I'd heard about them before and have always wanted to see one so was really excited I finally did. Poor things were still alive hanging on a string, not knowing their fate of landing up in the stew pot (or maybe they did). I didn't manage to get a picture of them, the one below is from the web, the ones I saw weren't quite this big...
... maybe about two thirds of this. If you google them you can see even bigger ones this! Kinda freaky!

BTW, one of our favourite car games for long distances is where each of us choose an animal that we think we will see for sale the most on the side of the road. Bush Rat is usually the winner with monkey or Diki deer coming in at a close second. Snakes, crocodiles, huge lizards, and pangolins are not uncommon either.


Julie Willis said...


Anonymous said...

Yikes Stripes!!!


Love, Grammie