Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, the car wash has been open four days and is going great! The first day was a little slow but things have certainly picked up since then, PTL! Lots of cars have been coming, people are amazed at the pressure washer, and all the boys have been working hard. Jake's been down there everyday just to keep an eye on things for the first week so he's been gone all day. But we are really excited that it's going so well.

Bread For Life has a team here in Bamenda right now, the same one that comes each January to do free medical outreaches and crusades. It's good to see some familiar faces and new ones too (a total of 30 in all!). We have 6 of them staying at our house for the week, it's nice to have some "American Fellowship" as well as enjoy some of the goodies they bought with them ie. nuts, M&Ms, Hersey's chocolate (not so good for my new year resolution's diet :).

They've had large amounts of people coming for the medical outreaches and the crusades have been packed with many people getting saved each night. I was asked to sing there two nights ago with another team member, so that was fun. I also got to teach on the importance of Children's ministy at the pastor's conference yesterday. It went incrediably well and had many invites to come speak at different churches to share with their children workers. So that's always encouraging. Also got to share with them about WON and our vision for orphans. I had at least 4 people come up telling me that they knew of orphans that needed somewhere to go. So we took their contact info and once we are up and running we will get back with them.

1 comment:

stacy said...

holly, that's so cool! it is great to hear what GOd is doing... and so fun to see your plans auctually working huh? thanks for the updates... i love to read what is going on! take care and know that we are praying for you guys!
stacy and ben