Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, July 17, 2009

OK, I give up, I've been trying and trying to get pictures up on the blog, they just won't upload. So if any of you are on facebook, you can check out pictures of our summer holidays on my profile there (yes computer, you win!)

All is going well here (beside my computer difficulties :). We just sent the four oldest children from the Home to Teen Missions Cameroon for the summer. They will be there for five weeks, which include, 10 days of training at a "boot camp" where they learn dramas, singing, puppets, evangelism skills, have bible classes, etc. and even an obstacle course every morning at 5:30. It can be a tough ten days but really great too. Then the youth will go out to different villages for 3 weeks, evangelizing, ministering to people in various way (construction, sport, etc.). Then they come back all together for a week of debriefing which is very relaxed and have fun.

We're praying and believing that our kids will have a life changing experience, that they will really grow closer to the Lord these next few weeks and that this whole experience will improve their English and social skills... Please keep them in your prayers. During boot camp they have a rally each night with is a lot of fun (Jake is preaching there on Tuesday). So we're taking a few of the of kids from the Home each night so that they can see what their big brothers and sister are up too.

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