Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our first Harvest!

Anna (our Ma at the children's home) harvested her first crop this week. We have quite a bit of farm land there and one of the first things we did when they moved in was give seed money (literally) to get this going. They harvested corn, beans, and potatoes, they'll be planting another crop as the rainy season still has a good 3 months left.

Some neighborhood kids snuck into this shot too :)

Also praise God someone gave the finances we needed to get the kitchen fixed up. We were able to get the countertops built and tiled. Also put a double sink in. Sara and I have been varnishing the ceiling this week (so much fun!) and we'll be painting the walls next week. It is going to be so nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great feeling to harvest your own crops! Tell Ma she did a good job. The kitchen is looking good too. Thank you Jesus. Mum.