Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The bridge!

Sunday afternoon we drove out to see the road that collapsed and stopped everyone from getting into Bamenda. It seems it was one of the bridges, and it just fell away, they've built a road that now goes around it and they're busy constructing a new bridge (even working on a Sunday). On the way up there we saw lots of land slides too, seems like the ground is just too saturated and can't hold itself together anymore. Below is a picture of a landslide, it doesn't look very big in the photo but it's huge, it came across two roads and blocked them for a day or so too. 

Then more drama, we had a sand truck come to the orphanage today to deliver sand... He drove over the Septic tank (which isn't in use, PTL!) and the truck's front tire just smashed the whole covering of it in and fell in (see pic below). Not sure if the rain has something to do with this too as lots of cars and trucks have driven over this before... it took a bit to get the guy out. So we have another project to complete now :-)

Right now me and the boys have SCA session going on, it's a bit like a home schooling co-op where about 10 missionary families get together and have two weeks of school with the kids. It's always a lot of fun and a great time of fellowship. This session's theme: Spies, a big hit with all the boys :). I'm teaching music which is a lot of fun. This Friday we are wrapping up.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Jake, when I spoke with you last week about this I had no idea.
Looks as if these pictures are right out of Nat'l Geo.
God Bless everyone affected!
Natural disasters... devastating.

Sit tight and stay to the high ground!
XO Love Grammie

Laurel Conrod said...
