Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunday Hike

For our weekly hike we went to the Bali waterfall this last Sunday. It was a bit disappointing as it rained the whole time but still, it is just so extremely beautiful it was totally worth it. There is a huge cave behind the waterfall that we had a picnic in. We were all soaked but it was still a lot of fun. We're heading to another waterfall next week that Jake and the girls discovered when they went out to the village yesterday, the could see it from the road, we'll try to make our way to the bottom.

Home school is going great, we're into week three already. It is soooo nice to be ahead than trying to catch up all the time (as I was last year due to our trip to the States). Teaching First and Third grade is definitely more challenging than Second grade and Kindergarten though. I actually have to use the test keys now :-)

(Will post pic of waterfall once internet connection is better)


Fanny said...

I Cant wait till i'm 18 so i con come over for a visit!!!

Sarah w

Schilinski Clan said...

I can't wait either!