We took Dorcas to the clinic yesterday. She had some very nasty stuff coming out of her ear and she has rashes on her body. We also thought it would be a good chance to get her tested for HIV (both her parents died of AIDS). We praise God that the the results came back negative, such a huge blessing! God is so extremly faithful.
So as always it was a long morning, hospitals are never simple here. Here is how the morning went.
1. Got in line to see the receptionist,
2. Went to cashier to pay to register at the clinic,
3. Stood in line to see the one doctor on duty. There was at least 50 people waiting, praise God we got in pretty quick as I know some people there... (it's not what you know... :-)
4. Back to cashier to pay for the tests,
5. Go to see chaplain because it is the policy at the Baptist clinic to send anyone there that has an HIV test (even a two year old).
6. Stood in line at the lab, Dorcas got her blood taken, then we waited outside for the results of white blood count in the sea of people.
7. When back to chaplain again have the AIDS test done there. We praise God that it came back negative!
8. Back to the doctor's office who said that Dorcas has an ear infection and she believes the rash is from malnutrition. She prescribed antibiotics, pain reliever, and some Soybean based cereal,
9. For the third time, go to the cashier to pay for prescriptions
10 Go to the pharmacy hand the book in and waited for them to give the prescription, (about another 40 mins).
All together about an 3 hour ordeal but we came out rejoicing for the good news of Dorcas. She has really changed in the past few weeks, she's gained about 3 pounds, starting to crawl with her feet on the ground, and saying quite a few words. She is just such a happy baby now.
I did find out some interesting HIV information, that 1 out of every 4 babies will contract HIV if their mother is infected, and 1 out of every 8 babies will contract the disease if their infected mother is taking preventive medicine.
Not sure how well you can see this but this is mural that Jenee and Shanel have been working on at the Children's Home. It is just about done and looks amazing. It has Mark 10:14 written on the side, "Let the little Children...." And yes, Jesus is black :-). You should be able to click on it to see it a bit bigger.
Ok, and one last pic of Josh with Dereck and Kingsley. Jake took it today before Bible class, they were all playing out in the grass.