Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9 more children!

In the last two weeks we've received nine more children into the Home, things have been busy to say the least! The picture above is of Miranda and her baby sister, Dorcas. Both of their parents died of Aids. Dorcas is almost two but much smaller than Jude and painfully skinny. She can't walk, she can only stand with help. She has been really neglected as her sister was the only one really looking after her (she's only eight). Miranda was very weepy the first day or two we got her but has brightened up a lot now, smiling and giving hugs. Dorcas has been eating well and drinking plenty of milk. She is still very vary of anyone but her sister but this will soon change. Please keep these two and all the other children in your prayers. A lot of them are very malnourished and just tiny for their age.

I will be posting pics of each of them sometime this week with a short bio on each. All the children (besides the two babies) will be starting school next week, please pray for a quick adjustment for them all. And of course we need sponsors for all of these new children.

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