Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, February 12, 2010

Good week

It's been a busy week but great week! Had two really wonderful bible classes, the kids were just really paying attention and answering questions, they have become so much more involved the last few months, it's very encouraging. All of the older class know their New Testament books now, next onto the OT... anyone know a good song for that one? In the truck that got shipped there was enough bibles for all of the older children, a huge blessing.

It was national Youth Day yesterday, there was a big parade in town and each school got to march in their best uniform. Jake and Tim went down and got some photos of our kids, they're not too great as their was a huge crowd and Jake couldn't see too clearly. Despite the heat, the children all had a wonderful time and were very proud to be marching with their school.

That's our Nestor up front with his chin held high :-)

Blessing looking very smart! (Pa sewed these clothes BTW)

The Nursery class of their school

We Slaughtered another pig this morning. We must be getting pros because it only took us 4 hours to get it from grunting to meat cuts... it used to take us a lot longer! Tomorrow morning we will be making sausage, yum! We haven't had any for like 2 months so really ready for it.

Tommorrow is Jude second birthday... hard to believe he is that old already! I'll be making him a cake and then we'll have a pizza and movie night. Hoping to go swimming at the hotel in town too if we get time in the afternoon. Jude loves the pool even though he's only been like three times.

PS. No idea why this last part is underlined... and I can't seem to get it off :(

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