Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

RAIN!!!! At Last!!

After well over three months without a drop of rain, it finally down poured Friday afternoon! Being the English gal that I am, I think that is the longest I have every been without some form of precipitation, and I sure missed it! It'd been getting cloudy in the afternoons for a couple of weeks now, looking like it might rain and Friday it finally did. If we weren't hosting a Bible Study that evening I would have gone out and danced in it! The wind came up, low dark clouds blew in in, the trees looked alive (I know they ARE alive) as they danced around in the wind and then it just rained cats and dogs for a good 30 minutes, washing all the dirt and dust out of the air, cleaning all the metal roofs, and revealing the beautiful green on the trees under all the dust. Afterwards, the sky looked like it had been dry-cleaned and it felt sooo fresh! God is good! (Can you tell I'm excited about the rain?) And it's rained every afternoon since, already my grass is back to green, my amaryllis are poking out of the soil, bushes are even a couple of inches higher, my garden appreciates it as much as I do :-).

On another note, SCA session (Sonlight Christain Academy) just started this week. It is a homeschooling co-op of about 10 missionary families where we get together for two weeks and do "real" classroom teaching, sports, all sorts of stuff that is hard to do when you homeschool. The boys absolutely love it and sure sleep well at night while it's going on, they learn and play hard! I'm teaching music and coordinating the swim lessons... so far so good. I've already got some sun and their are worse things I could be doing in the mornings than being at the pool :). When I'm not teaching, it is a great time of fellowship with other parents. Will post some pics soon.

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