Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Want to Come to Cameroon?

Are you  interested in coming to Cameroon to see all that is going on over here? Well now is you chance! Win Our Nations is sending a team to Bamenda on July 5th to the 19th. The team will be building a toilet block at the orphanage plus spending some quality time with the children. They will also be doing evening outreaches in the town with a laser light show. These teams are always a great time of drawing closer to the Lord plus being a huge blessing to the people of this country. I seriously believe that all Christians should go on at least one missions trip so they can see how most of the rest of the world is living and to broaden their perspectives. The team costs $3389 which includes, all travel, lodging, food, and project money (it does not include, your passport, visa, shots, or spending money). I know this can sound like a lot of money but I have found that whatever God orders, He always pay for! It you sign up soon it would give you plenty of time to raise this money. The team will be leaving from Orlando, FL, so you would have to meet the team there. Families are welcome. Click on the website below to print out a brochure:

Please feel free to share this in your church, or with friends and family. There is limited space so first come, first serve. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email and ask me any questions ( or call the WON office at 321-684-1062. Below are a few pictures from past teams to whet your spirit a bit :D

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