Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, May 13, 2011

New church building

We had some very exciting news this week. As I have mentioned before, the church plant we are helping out with, CCB, is bursting out of its little walls (about 90 people). By the end of service on Sundays, there is usually no chairs left (a good problem, I know!). Well, Pastor Titus and Jake have been looking all over town for a good size meeting hall... we have found a few but rent is pretty high. A couple of months ago there was one that we were really interested in and then as we were negotiating someone else came and took it. We were pretty bummed as it was big, in a great location, and even had extra rooms for children's church. Well last week, the landlord called us and said that that deal fell through and asked if we were still interested. So we went and signed the contract today and it is a go! It is certainly a step of faith as rents will be more than triple of what we are paying now but we are believing as the church grows, so will the offering. It is really exciting to be moving into anther hall, we have had to delay outreach meetings simply because we didn't have space for new converts. I will get two rooms for Children's church, YES!! It really isn't easy teaching 12 year-olds with three-year-olds at the same time so now we can have two classes. The building also has an office for the pastor and a room for a student pastor to live in to keep an eye on the place. It does have a lot of work to be done, cleaning, painting, electrical things, etc., so the whole church will be busy for the next couple of weeks. We are hoping to be in by the 29th of this month. Praise the Lord!

The outside of the buildings... lots of parking space too.

Inside the building, it will comfortably seat 500

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