Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Crazy night!

OK, had the craziest night last night. About midnight Jake woke up and said that a rat had bit him and climbed on the closet. Now Jake talks a lot in his sleep and only two nights ago he woke up saying that someone was on our roof and was trying to get in, proceeding to then run out of the room with the flash light (of course he'd been dreaming). So when he told me about the rat I told him to go back to sleep. He said that he finger still hurt and I told him (if I remember correctly) that he was insane (very lovingly of course :). Anyway he turned the flash light on, and there on top of the closest was the most enormous rat! Aaaaaahhhhh, usually rodents don't bother me but the thing was humongous and I couldn't get rid of the nagging thought that he had just been in bed with us!
Jake ran to get Lassie, our trusty cat. She's usually a great catcher (usually being the key work), but when Jake threw her on top of the closet, she took one look at the rat and jumped off. Fortunately this scared the rat enough too also jump off the closet, straight at Jake, who dropped the flashlight and did a little scream (as did I still sitting in bed). The whole time I telling Jake not to be so loud because the baby's crib is in our room. Now we have no idea where the rat is, we tried to get Lassie back in the room but she wouldn't have any such thing. After searching all over, Jake finally found the critter on top of the water heater in our bathroom. Jake got a broom and rug beater and handed me a shoe and told me to stand guard at the doorway (we have no door there). So Jake gives it a big poke with the pole and of course it runs straight for the door, so I start banging the floor with the shoe just to keep it away from me, screaming the whole time of course, Jake is up on the bath trying to whack it with the rug beater shouting at me to get it. About the 20th time he finally hits it and smashes it till he breaks the rug beater and bloodies his knuckles he hit on the washing machine. But it is finally dead! By now we were laughing so hard we can hardly take a breath, what a night! And I'm not ashamed to say that we slept with the bathroom light on as we were both a bit freaked out :). And praise God, Jude slept through it all!

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Monica said...

That is both hilarious and horrifying. How did all your boys sleep through all that screaming?! I'm just glad that the rat didn't bite Jude!

Anonymous said...

Oh my............

I guess I don't feel so bad now asking for a night light while I was there for my visit.

Did Jacob have to see the Dr? Tetanus?? Rabies??

Oh my........ I am trying desperately to find the humor!

Just so glad everyone is ok???

(a bit worried) Grammmie