Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Great news about homeschooling. When we were in Yaounde I was part of the FES (Field Education System) that Wycliffe Translators organized. They provide all the curriculum, with 3 "school" sessions throughout the year where all the kids get together and do classroom school (plus lots of over fun stuff like plays and swimming lessons). Anyway when we moved to Bamenda I was still planning on going with them. But I was thinking it was going to be expensive; traveling to Yaounde 3 times a year plus the expense of staying for 3 weeks at a time.

Anyway, I recently found out that the Baptist Center here in town has a similar system for missionaries up in this area. I went and talked with the director on the weekend. It was really good time and saw all the curriculum they have. They use Gospel Light which is solid Christian good material. It's a little more expensive but it will work out cheaper in the long run. They also do the school sessions (only two though), one which starts on the 6th of August. So we've switched over to them and Josh and Seth will get to go to "school" for 10 days before we head over to England. Then when we get back, we'll get busy homeschooling. All very exciting. Oh also, the director comes for two weeks sometime during the school year to teach the kids and give the mum a bit of a break. Also helps her to see where the kids are at and if they need help in a specific area. Praise the Lord we managed to get this all sorted out before leaving, it never ceases to amaze me how the Lord provides for our every need.

Couldn't resist putting a photo of our Jude in. He is doing so good, sitting up all by himself now, drooling a lot so I think he's teething. Jude's favorite food: avocado and bananas (can you tell he's was born in Africa or what :)


Monica said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow! He looks so much like Jake too. The eyes especially. Or maybe it's just that facial expression he's making. Too cute. Can't wait for your visit!

Julie Willis said...

That's great about school! We start back on Monday. I thought I was ready, but now I'm not sure. I see both of you in Jude, but something reminds me of Jake when he was baby. PS- I was REALLY YOUNG- so maybe I don't remember as clearly! Ruthie was a huge avacado eater. See you soon!! The girls are all excited. Email if there is something special we could bring the boys. Another veggie? Did you have a chance to listen to the Johnathan Park series we sent last year? I disn't know if they liked audio stories. Let me know before you get any busier HAHA! Julie