Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our little preacher!

I got to share at the Crusade as the Speaker (Chris Schneider) was preaching a message geared to children as well as adults. We got there early and made balloon animals and hats to get the kids to come in and of course that worked like a charm. Once the crusade got under way, Chris called all the children forward to hear a special message. We sang a song and then shared the "wordless Book" with them through colored balloons. They were all very excited and payed close attention.

Josh also got to share his testimony, we were VERY proud of him! We talked about it at home and I asked him to just tell how he asked Jesus into his heart and if there was anything else he wanted to share. He chose the Story of Joshua and how we must have faith and trust in God too and then quoted John 3:16. When he finished everyone cheered and clapped, very cool! There was at least 450 people at the crusade. We're hoping to get a video of it up on the web soon. Anyway at the end of the night many came forward for salvation (100+) and lots of them were kids, praise God. Also got to pray for many people at the end for things such as barrenness to doing well in school.

Not a very clear picture but you can kinda see the size of the crusade

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