Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Thursday, February 19, 2009

More Critters!

We'd just got into bed last night when we heard our dogs going nuts outside... I thought they were trying to get out of our gate as there was lots of banging going on. So we went to investigate with our handy maglite and found this huge rodent dead in our driveway, aka Bush Rat (they actually sell these on the side of the road for meat). Anyway I guess our dogs had managed to catch and kill it. Kinda freaking that huge thing was running around in our yard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh UGH!!

Half the size of Jude for goodness sake!


Love, Grammie

PS)Does Africa have cats that you can have around as mousers? I don't remember seeing any as a matter of fact!
If so maybe, you should think about getting a lion to help!