Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fresh air!

Yesterday we went for a hike up in the village of Sabajora (not sure of spelling). It is a Fulani muslim village that some of our missionary friends are outreaching too. It is breathtakingly beautiful and everyone is so friendly. We had a great time and got some good exercise too. This country continues to amaze me.

Jordan of course gets made a fuss of wherever we go. These are the three wives of one man up there (they each have their own house/room). The first thing they asked me (through motions, they don't speak English) was if I was breast feeding... very important here :-D. To which I answerd the affirmative.

At our friend's house, their cow had just given birth to a calf a bit early. He was so tiny and soft and kept following Jake around! All the families up there are cow farmers.

Jude was amazed!

This is the father Jakuba and he 7 month old son.

We hiked up to a cave, it is enormous! The cave (as most caves and waterfalls here) is used as a place of idol worship. Usually you just see some stones and chalky stuff sprinkled around but this one actually had statues and grave sort of things.

So here is a little "joujou" spot. The Cameroon culture is definitely a fear culture. Christians often struggle to break ties with their traditional belief because of fear of witches and evil spirits.  These people need to be set free with the power of Jesus!

An amazing view of the Ndop plain. There is a huge lake in the disance but hard to see. God's creation is  amazing. My legs have been aching today!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow...
I really was in awe with this blog, Hol. The Muslim ladies, Jordan (she almost looks as grown as Jakuba's son). She is amazing! We are so blessed.

And there U are hiking! Looked like ya'll picked an awesome path to follow!
(in more ways than one - ha)

Very interesting.. "joujou spot" obviously not a good thing. Fear... can be overwhelming without our Lords intervention. God Bless them.

Then there is the Ndop Plain.. Awesome! How long did the entire hike take? What is the elevation of Bamenda in comparison to the Ndop?


Take care of each other.

Love, Mother

Anonymous said...


the calf...