Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, July 23, 2010

Our little Girl

So someone asked me to blog about Jordan some more.... no problemo there! I could write about her all day! She is just changing all the time and some days when she wakes up, she is like a whole new baby. Jordan got her six weeks shots and polio drops this week, she weighed in at 12 and half pounds, she's a big girl (she is a Schilinski after all :-). Jordan is letting me get about 7 hours of sleep at night which is wonderful! She does like to eat and sometimes it seems like I'm nursing all day but I've got another month till I start home schooling so hopefully she'll be in more a schedule by then. I'm just enjoying our time together and not worrying to much about the piles of laundry. Jude is my big help, he loves to help me change her nappies and bath her (and jab the pacifier in her mouth :). Seth has got the touch and she usually falls right to sleep when he is holding her, so cute! 

I did my first big shopping on Thursday since Jude was born. I'd forgotten how people just love babies here, and really help you out with them, even more so in Bamenda than in the capital Yaounde. At the "supermarket" the workers carried her while I shopped, and then when I was in line, the lady behind took her and was just snuggling her to death (and they don't ask you to take her, they just take her :). Then even at the outside meat market there was an old mama sitting there and she just put her hands out and held her till I was done getting my meat. Makes life a lot easier, (especially as there is no carts to put her into). No wonder Cameroonian babies go to anyone! We were at Teen Missions last night and I didn't see Jordan for the whole meeting, she just passed around to everyone (good job she is easy to spot). It's the same at church too. 

Below are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks:

Getting a kiss from her big brother (and not too sure about it!)

Jake is great at getting her to smile

We think she looks like a little turtle in the one (click to enlarge to see her little turtle lips! :D )

Thinking while she's sleeping

Pretty in Pink


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She is delicious and I could literally just gobble her up!

She is stirring lots of memories. I am sure Granpa Schilinski can recall a few of them himself!
Jacob was approx 8lbs 14oz at birth and a well-nurished 12 lbs at 4 weeks. I WAS spending the majority of time nursing him. :)
Birthing him was almost parrallel to your experience with regards to his positioning & the uncanny ways they used even back then of "giving him a push" and getting him to join our world! Ouch!

:) I love you Son! :)

So glad Jordan is doing so well and you look really well too Holly.

Boys.... you sound like you are a GREAT help to mum! I am proud of you both!

Jacob, you know how proud I am of you! You are, without question, the Best Son, Husband, and Dad that I know!

Love the pictures. Thanx for the update!
XO Grammie