Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, August 6, 2010

In Douala

Sitting in an air condition room at the Baptist Guest house in Douala, munching on Milka Chocolate, yum! My husband knows what makes me happy :D. 

Yesterday we made it safe and sound to Yaounde. Our wheel did start smoking about half an hour into the 6 hour trip but after pulling over, letting it cool off and checking it out, all was OK... Jake thinks it must have been some oil on the brake pads as we had some work done on it a few days ago. So when we got to Yaounde, Jordan got her passport photos taken, then we headed straight to the air conditioned, diaper changing table equipped, American Embassy (it is seriously just like stepping into the US, they even had a movie playing and a kiddies play area). It took a good hour and half to get all the paperwork filed (registration of birth abroad, passport, social security number) but glad we've got it all done and out of the way. We spent the night with some close missionaries friends who have just returned from furlough. It was great to catch up and we stay up way too late talking and laughing. After a hearty breakfast we headed to Douala where we are right now. Lots of time in the car but the kids all did great.

We have a missionary family arriving today from Ghana who are going to be doing summer school at the orphanage for the month of August. There is no Cameroonian Embassy in Ghana so they couldn't get visas there. We went to immigration here and got them a letter saying they could get a visa on arrival. Well, Tim and Jake went to pick them up 7 hours ago and they are still not back from the airport! They are giving them hassle about the visa thing, so frustrating! But it looks like it is all going to work out and they should be here soon (they have two little kids, so no fun for them after flying then being stuck in a hot airport). Anyway, it is a huge blessing they are coming for the month. 

Tomorrow afternoon Josh flies in... can't wait!! The guest house here has a pool so we'll spend the day in that till we need to head to the airport, so looking forward to a nice relaxing day and then getting to see my boy!


Julie Willis said...

So glad it all went smoothly. I bet you can't wait to see him! I bet he can't wait to see you all and get reaquainted with his new little sister:) Wish we could hold her and give her a hug! I need some baby time. Maybe y'all can be in the states for you next one!

Anonymous said...

Sorry.. just had to comment on the "comment" above!

Julie, next one? Next one? Oh, no.... there will be no........ next one..

:))))))))) Gotta make you smile! Love, Grammie