Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lots going on!

I've been trying to write a blog for at least a week and just have not been able to! Lots going on. The WON bible school will be opening the first week of September. Jake and Tim have been going around churches in town promoting it, plus doing all the set up of the new place. So haven't seen to much of him the last two weeks. I've been getting everything set up for homeschooling starting in two and half weeks (going over grade four lessons, it's starting to get tough!). Also SCA (Sonlight Christian Academy) homeschooling co-op starts on Monday for two weeks, I'm just assisting music and art this time (phew) plus helping out in nursery and doing the opening devotion. It will be great to have some fellowship with other missionary families.

Tomorrow we head to Yaounde (6 hour drive) to get Jordan's passport sorted out, then we head to Douala (3 hour drive) to pick up Josh on Saturday (woohooo!) and then come back to Bamenda (5 hour drive) on Sunday to be at the kick off program for SCA at 4pm. This will be Jordan's first big trip so keep her in your prayers, she's not a big fan of her car seat! Btw, she is 8 weeks today!!

A big praise it that all the money was raised for the much needed pick-up truck! God is sooo good. Once we got the money in, Jake found an even better truck than what we were looking at before for the same price. It is a super nice little Nissan. We got it less than a week ago and have already used it a bunch, including hauling a pig! It's also a great run around vehicle, it is going to save us a lot on our petrol bill compared to out big truck! Praise the Lord! A few photos below:

Our new little Nissan

Carrying tables and chairs for the Bible school

Moving sand for construction project

1 comment:

Julie Willis said...

Wow! Y'all are really busy. School will be wonderful this year with all the pe planning you are up to. A bet you miss your little guy. I was thinking of him this morning when I first got up. I wonder if he got a hog?