Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Full days!

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth; just a lot going on right now. WON's Bible school starts next week so registration has been going on the last couple of weeks. All the kids at HHCH start school next week, been making sure that they have everything they need (shoes, backpacks, socks, etc.). Jake traveled out to a village today and will be back tomorrow. Our friends from Ghana left this past weekend, went for a hike with them their last day. Had a LOT of visitors (Linda Maher is here with me right now). The new church plant we are assisting with had it's first official service on Sunday with two days of meetings before (I was leading praise and worship). Praise the Lord, the church went great! I started Kid's Club and library time at HHCH again this week.  Things should be slowing down a bit next week. We are in our second week of home schooling, it is going so well, the boys are a lot more independent now and I am actually managing to get laundry done in the morning plus homeschooling, wohoo! Anyway, I hope to post about all this things in a bit more detail soon, but no promises. I just praise the Lord for His love and goodness, He is always there for us. We had a great sermon on Sunday, the speaker was talking about how we're meant to be as little children to enter the kingdom of God. I have always though of this as being honest, loving, innocent. The preacher put it in another perspective I really liked, about how a child will always run to his Father in times of trouble, always trust his father a 100%, reaching his hands up to him, knowing that he can't do things by himself, great stuff! Ok, I need to go take a shower, feed the baby and get to bed. 
Ohh I posted a cute video of Jordan on facebook, check it out at:

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