Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Driving Licence

Since being in Cameroon I have always driven on my American licence. It has never been a problem but I have always intended to go get my Cameroonian one at some point. When Jake got his a few years back, he just went into the office, showed his US one, paid the fee, and had his license in a week or two (same with every other missionary I know). Well, Norbert who works at the children's home needed to get his too, so we went in together. I think that was my mistake as Norbert has never had a license before and would need to take the test. So they said I had to take a test too. I explained I've been driving for like 15 years, but no they insisted I had to take a theory test. They only do a test once a month (for the whole city of Bamenda's 350,000 residents). So we paid our fee and put our names down for the test. We were told to show up prompt at 7:30 in the morning on the particular day. So a few weeks back that day came and Norbert and I headed up. As normal nothing was set up and we waited and waited with the throng of people. Finally at about 10 the people showed up and started taking down our names. It wasn't until 11 that we finally sat down to take the test. We had two hours to complete a 30 question, multi answer test. I hadn't study at all as I didn't have a book and I figured I knew everything already. But some of the questions were really bizarre such as, "What is a sign on internal bleeding?" and, "What should you do to someone who is breathing but unconscious?" I didn't think I was taking a medical exam. Anyway for the most part it was very simple and I was done in 10 minutes. They they said we had to come back on Monday for the practical test. So we went back that afternoon, and once again I thought, how hard can it be? There was literally hundreds of people there, waiting to take the test. We had to wait and watch while every person parallel parked. Seriously I think the last time I parallel parked was when I took my test in the states in '97, maybe once in Chicago.... and it was a bit nerve racking with all the people watching you but thankfully I had no problems. Norbert did pretty good too even though he was really nervous and had only practiced it once before. A few people did knock the poles over and everyone cheered, pretty funny. Then after everyone had finished (hours!) we went out in groups in a car with an instructor (I had two nuns in my car). The lady that started could hardly get the car to move forward and then almost killed us as she popped the clutch and went whizzing into the road then stalled it. The instructor told her to get out. I went next and had no issues except he told me to slow down :D. Then we went back to the office to find out how we did. There they said our results would be announced in the next month, ahhh! Why does everthing have to be sooo complicated? Anyway, I am sure that I passed, Norbert wasn't so sure.  I guess we'll find out in a week or two.

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