Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, March 26, 2012

Leader's Retreat

Last weekend we headed up to Mbingo for our church's leaders retreat. It was a little bit hectic as it was scheduled three weeks ago but was canceled the night before. Then we found out about this one 2 days before so we had to take all the kids as we couldn't  get a baby sitter. But it all worked out great (the boys went hiking) and we all had a lot of fun. It was the first retreat since the church started in 2010, the day and a half was just not enough time. We had lots to pray and discuss about. But it definitely was a team building time. Something we  talked about a lot was the importance of discipling/mentoring new believers. Really got me thinking, who am I discipling right now? I have lots of people that I'm friends with and encouraging but is there someone that I am really discipling? So there are two ladies from church that I am going to be focusing on, will be doing a weekly bible study with them, spending time with them, praying for and with them. 

Jake, myself, Mary, Marthe (Pastor's wife), Celstine, and Pastor Titus

Pastor Titus helping with dinner :D

Helping out as well

We love Mbingo, it's soooo nice! Good times!

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