Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Rainy Picnic

The kids at HHCH got two weeks break from school for Easter and each holiday we try to do something special with them. We decided to go for a hike and picnic up in to the hills. On Tuesday, all 37 of us, squeezed into three suvs (the Borns, ours, and the HHCH Land Rover) and headed out to Mbingo. The children (and staff for that matter) don't often go on road trips so they are always so excited when we  do something like this. My car load sang their hearts out the whole way to Mbingo (about an hour's drive) and were just radiating joy. I got to do a bit of four wheeling in the land rover, always fun, going up the hills. But what is a road trip with out a bit of car trouble (a norm on every trip it seems). We stopped to look at a creek we were going to cross, but then the land rover wouldn't start again... Jake and Tim worked out it was the starter cable and after jerry-rigging it, they got it going again (this was after pouring water on a smoking muffler :D), never a dull moment! 

We got to the top and unfortunately it started to rain. We waited it out and then headed off on our hike. It is so amazingly spectacular up there and the kids had a blast just running around like manics all over the place. We could see the rain coming in across the valley and I decided to head back to the car with Jude and Jordan. I just made it before it started teaming. Everyone else got drenched but they all had a great time playing in the rain. Then we all piled back in the cars and blasted the heaters to get warm. We headed back down the hill (much more slick now) and stopped to eat our lunch at a gigantic boukarou (gazebo) down at the hospital there. We had sandwiches, pop corn, bananas, and kool-aid... there wasn't a crumb or drop left when we finished! On the way back the rain was torrential (the wet season is here with out a doubt). I had the heater going and just about everyone nodded off. I think everyone had an awesome day dispute the rain disturbing our plans.

Click below to see a video of the kids singing while waiting for it to stop raining:

Our picnic

Farawa enjoying his pop-corn



Jordana and Auntie Charlotte


There was a guy weaving on his bamboo loom inside the boukarou

Little Godwill and Sarah

Wiped out on the way home :D

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