Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, April 6, 2012

Chick update

Last week we had an exciting morning at our house as our chicks started hatching. I heard them chirping and when we checked on them we could see they were starting to make holes in their shells. They did come a day early which means our incubator runs a little hot. Needless to say we didn't get too much school done that morning as we kept checking on them, but it was an education all in itself!. Sadly two died once they were out of their shells and 6 of them never hatched (we'd also thrown away about 10 the first week after candling them). But even though only 50% of the eggs hatched, it was still way cheaper than buying them. And I kinda expect that we did open up the incubator too much while they were hatching (it was just too tempting!). So we have 42 eggs in the incubator now (when they start to hatch we'll let them just do their thing and only open up once they have all out). 

Jake spent a morning with some of the older boys of HHCH building a brooder for them. I'm not sure who had more fun :D. It turned out so well!

The first sign of life....

Just in time for Easter!

The boys helping to build the brooder

It turned out great!

All warm and snuggly. They'll stay in here a few weeks and then move to a coop. In 21 weeks they'll be laying eggs!

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