Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, April 16, 2012

School Fun

Seth cracked me up in school the other day. He was asked in his Language Art book to rewrite the story of Elijah and the widow from the son's perspective. You can click on the picture below to enlarge it and read it a little easier but basically he said that he was thankful God blessed them with food but was fed up of eating the same thing every day. He wish he could have some beans and rice, or even some fish! Can you tell our little boy has grown up in Africa? No mention of pizza or a hamburger! :D I thought it was really cute. 

School is going extremely well and we only have six weeks left. We have seven full weeks left before we leave but we have a volunteer flying into Douala on May first and then we're going to visit good friends in Buea and spend a day at the beach! So I'll lose four days of school there with all the travel. I would love to have a full week free before we leave, to get packed and get the house in order. Thankfully, the boys have finished some of their workbooks already so we can get lots of reading done so I know it will work out.

A couple of weeks ago I was contemplating ordering our new curriculum online in order for it to be waiting for us when we got to Florida. But that same week, I got a message from a friend who is selling her Sonlight Curriculum for an amazing price. She will be in Florida the same time as us so it is just perfect. I love how God always has a better plan for us! So I will be getting three of the Cores (or grades) that I need for a lot cheaper, thank you Lord! 

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