Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Baby news

Jude had his two month check-up and shots yesterday. We found a great pediatrician who actually comes to our house and does everything here. It is such a blessing as at any other place you have to line up and wait for hours sometimes (not much fun with a screaming baby sitting on a crowded hard bench). The Pediatrician travels to the States a lot and uses the Maryland plan for immuniazations (plus the nessercery ones for here ie. yellow fever, typhoid). We were wondering what we would do when we go to Bamenda, and I was talking with her about it. Praise the Lord that she travels to Bamenda once a month so we can continue to use her. The Lord continues to provide for all my needs (and whims:-)
Jude is doing great even though his still on the slight side for American Standards. But he is growing well and all he reflexes and measurements are perfect. He wasn't very happy about having his shots but he soon got over it. Oh and he starting cooing this morning when I was holding him, so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! That Jude's doctor will be able to continue with his care in Bamenda. I would expect that she will be able to tend to Joshua & Seth if the need be. How great is that?
God is awesome!
Love XO Grammie in Florida