Since '05 I have been the children's church director at our church. At the start of the year I handed it over to one lady, Hortence, as the baby was coming and we knew we would be leaving Yaounde. Praise the Lord, Hortence has been doing a fantastic job of leading. We had a retreat this weekend for all the children's workers. I didn't organize anything for it, it went really well, things started on time, and most everyone was there. They had all night prayer last night and had a great time. It is a real blessing to see how they are continuing the work on and even preparing for another Camp this summer. I also got to speak at the retreat today on how to teach young children (3-6 yrs). I really empahsised on using visual aid which is very uncommon here. Also shared on keeping each activity with them no longer than 10 minutes. Praying it all sank in. It was the first time I taught since having Jude, but he was really good and let me do my thing. He was passed around the workers all day, he enjoyed all the attention :-)
isn't it nice to see things that you helped to start passed on to someone else and taking on a life of thier own?! i think that it is one of the most gratifing things in ministry... hope that things are going well for you all... when are you auctually moving? and you are coming to the states this year right? you are more than welcome to come and visit us if you get out this way. we would be honored... nice "talking" to you... thanks for keeping up with your blog! i enjoy hearing what is going on with you all! as always we are praying for you, let us know if there is anything specific that we can "help" with! in Him -stacy
Sounds like you have done a great job passing the ministry on! Its good to hear what is going on there. Its amazing to me, how some of the principles of childrens ministry (hands on, hands on, hands on...short!) are the same world around! I love kids! MaryBeth
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