Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spreading the Word!

Last week I start teaching Sunday School again since Jude was born. It was good to be back with "mes enfants." This month we are teaching on the ascension and return of Jesus. I taught the kids about the great commission and how it is our responsibility to share Christ with other. I gave them the homework of showing the love of Jesus to their friends either by word or action. It was great to hear their testimonies this Sunday of how the Lord open doors for them to share their faith with others. One boy, Peter, said that he shared the Gospel with a classmate and he accepted Jesus into his heart! So cool, this is the 9 to 12 year old class.
Saturday we are taking them on a picnic to the local zoo, we are thinking about 100 children will come, most of who have never been. At the end, Sister Hortence will do a short lesson on how we can see the power of God through nature. Should be a lot of fun and I'm sure I'll sleep really well that night :-D

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