Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cheese making

When we were back in the States one of my good friends got me a cheese making book. Cheese is hard to come by in Cameroon and it's super expensive as it's all imported. I love cheese so much I thought this would be fun to try and make it. Anyway I had a crack at it last week and made a soft cheese to start of with, cream cheese. It turned out really well and tasted great if I do say so myself! Josh said it was "perfect" (that's my boy!). I'm going to have a go at a harder cheese next, cheddar maybe. After setting the milk and cream I let is drip for 12 hours.



Julie Willis said...

Than sounds great! I'll send you the site for making mozz., ricotta and I can't remember the third kind all from 1 gallon of whole milk.

Becky said...

In all your spare time! You inspire me to try it! Thanks! And when your friend sends you the site. Let all of us know too!

Megan said...

You are amazingly crafty/creative Holly to be such a busy Mom and missionary in the center of Africa!! The cheese looks great and so awesome that you made it yourself!!

Anonymous said...


Great going Holly.. I know how much Jacob likes his cream cheese. Doesn't even NEED olives!!!You though, are not so fond of it! Knowing this, I find you amazing.. Such a spirit you have..
Did you try it? Maybe you have developed a pallate for your own recipe! :)

Love, Grammie