Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Team Photos

We said good-bye to our WON team on Thursday. It was sad to see them go, we had such a great two weeks with them. Check out the photos below and see all the great things the team got to do... maybe you would be interested in coming on one or even your church sending a team out here, we have lots of work to do and it will be the experience of a life time!

A huge THANK YOU to all you team members, what a blessing you were!!
Nancy, Allison, Bill, Brandee, Terrell, Lisa, My mum Phyllis, Jessica, my dad Malcolm, & Femi
A hard working bunch!

Allison and Lisa painting the ceiling

Good job Femi is tall!

My Dad doing some plastering

What the orphanage looked like before they started painting

One of the two buildings they painted

Bill hanging out with Bernadette, our first baby at the orphanage

Traveling out to a village

At house in the village

Out in village

The Girls with their tailor made dresses

Dancing in Church!

Nancy sharing her testimony at church

Terrell Singing a song at church

Our Hike up to Mbingo, breath-taking!

Good food (yes that is a fish's tail)

Having some fun with local kids

Visiting a beautiful waterfall

The cave behind the waterfall

Jessica teaching HIV awareness to students at a secondary school

Visiting Prespot, a little pottery place in the middle of nowhere


Becky said...

This is so awesome!! Holly, I think you are a fascinating girl. You have such a great attitude and make your life there seem so rewarding. I know when you are in God's will, it truly is! But I am really praying about our next adventure. My husband is not quite into missions as I am. So I am waiting for God to work on him if that's what he wants for us.

I am praying for you and your sweet little family. I think we would have a lot in common. We also home school and have a bunch of little munchkins running around. Keep updating your blog! I'm a follower now but I am closet blogger because I only set up my account today and I don't know if I can really commit to it! Anyways, you can check out the ONE post I have written if you want... :) Talk to ya soon.

Becky (Reed) Benintendi

Megan said...

These photos make the perfect ad for a trip with WON b/c they show the awesome work and people interaction you get when you are there and some really cool r&r that gets fitted in too. Your posts lately are making me really want to visit in the future to do some hard work and more Cameroon exploration :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kids..

Loved what ya'll did with the orphange building!


What a truly awesome visit you had with your Mum & Dad and their team!

Wow......... again!!

Love, Grammie

Julie Willis said...

The building looks fabulous! You all did such a wonderful job and Bernadette looks happy. That's always good to see.
How's school going? We're just about done here.