Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fun Afternoon

We had all the kids over from the orphanage this afternoon, 10 in all. We're going to try and do this once a month to give the Pa and Ma the afternoon off. It was a lot of fun as they got to go on a trampoline for the first time (they couldn't stop giggling), play with lego, build puzzles, look at books and raiding our guava trees. They also watch Finding Nemo, I'm not sure how much they understood but they seemed to really like it. I enjoyed just getting to sit with them and getting to know them all a little bit better. I even got baby Bernadette to sit on my lap for half an hour!

I've been doing Bible classes with the kids twice a week and only now am I starting to understand their lack of schooling and basic knowledge. The 5 children that came from the remote village of Ngom, don't even know their colours (10-14 year olds) and barley speak Pidgin English, let alone regular English (My pidgin is certainly improving though). But they kids are already starting to speak better and understand us more. They are smart and learning a lot. This summer we are going to do summer school with them to get them to a K or 1st grade level before they start school in September. Praise God we have some young ladies coming out for the summer to intern with us so they will have their work cut out for them. We've also had math teacher offer to volunteer. I have a lot of flash cards, word games, etc. that I can use too (hey, I'm a home schooling mum :).
Bible Class (in the dinning room)
We get a few neighbourhood kids join us too.

1 comment:

Julie Willis said...

How neat! I bet they all enjoyed their afternoon of fun. Your not missing anything here...if I thought I could handle the plane ride I would be there with you.