Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our newest kids

Here are pics of our 5 newest children at the Helping Hands Children's Home. We might be getting 6 more children next week.

This is Rodine, not too sure of the spelling. The people that signed the papers for the children, often don't know how to spell so we are still trying to work out how to say and write their names. We're not sure of his age but it's probably around 14. He can barely read and write his name. He is very skinny and seems weaker than the other kids. We have been giving him extra milk and potions of food everyday. Next week all the new children will go to the doctors for testing for Malaria, TB, Typhoid and HIV (All our children go though this). He is a lovely boy though and really pays attention to Bible class.

This is Blessings. We're not sure of all the new kids' age but he'd around 14. He is the only child we have that can actually read (it's at a first grade level though). He also knows the most about Jesus than any of them. He is a super nice boy!

This is Karil, who has some bad feet problem (the pic is after the doctor cut all the dead skin away, you should have seen them before!). Seems like it is a severe fungus infection and an infestation of chiggers (parasites). He is very shy and it's hard to get him to look at you when you talk to him as he always looks down. When I took him to the doctors office his eyes were as big as saucers as we drove down town. These kids had never been out of their village before so seeing paved roads, cement buildings, vendors, and lots of cars is a whole new experience. Kari can read very little but knows most of his letters. Praise God his feet are looking a lot better already and healing nicely. Please keep them in your prayers.

This is Nestol. He's a very bright kid, always happy (he has the longest eye lashes I have ever seen!). He has had some issues with his feet too and it was really hard for him at the doctors (I was crying with him). He is always the first to try an answer a question in Bible class and very willing to learn, he should be reading shortly.

This is Perseverance. The first night we got her, she was so quiet and withdrawn. She wore a ragged dress that was about 2 times to big for her (her only piece of clothing). We got her cleaned up, feed, put her in some clothes that actually fit her and she was like a new girl. I hardly recognized her the next day. She is very friendly, and her and Ocilia have become best of friends. She also loves Jude and carries him around everywhere when I'm there.

1 comment:

Julie Willis said...

Your new children are beautiful. I will keep them in prayer.