Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

End of the Spear

Got the chance to see the film "End of the Spear" the other day. Really enjoyed it, great movie, an amazing story. Got me really interested in the Elliot's life and wanted to know how accurate the movie was. Manage to find "Shadow of the Almighty" by Elizabeth Elliot at the Wycliff Children's library. Only about half way thru it and enjoying it immensely! It's basically a compilation of Jim's letter and journal entries. He really was a man that was seeking and following the Lord with all his heart. It's been challenging me to spend more time in prayer and reading my Bible: he studied the Word, morning, noon and night, and always looked for an opportunity to share Christ wherever he went. One sentence in his journal really cut me to the heart. After speaking in four services and a radio program one Sunday, he came home exhausted and wrote "What glory to be weary for the work of the Kingdom!" Weekends for us are usually super busy, with youth group, monthly leaders and children workers meetings, different outreaches, two church services (sometimes I teach children in both), visits to the orphanages, etc. By Sunday evening I'm normally wiped out.  There's been times that I've complain but I will try hard to not to since reading what Jim wrote, it truly is a privilege and glory to be about the Fathers work!

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1 comment:

Megan said...

Hey. I'm sure it might be hard to come by certain books around there but if you ever come across the book "End of the Spear" that he wrote inspiring the movie you should take a look. It is even better than the movie b/c it goes more in-depth and much farther along in his life than where the movie ended.