Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun in Florida

Today is Josh's 7th B-day (sorry no pictures, Jake's got the camera). We went to the beach, had a lot of fun. Josh got to chose where we had lunch so of course we went to Mickey D's. Hard to believe my baby's already 7, wow where has time gone! Done some other fun stuff this week. Went down to Manatee Grove. It was really awesome, the manatees actually came up right in front of us (a bunch of them) and stayed there for-ev-er. Whenever I've been their before I've never seen them close up. Also the boys went and played chess at the library which they absolutely loved. They can't wait till next week (ahh, boys after my own heart!).

All is going well with Jake. The team is super busy, they have a crusade at night that is over 3 hours away. So they have been getting back to the hotel around 3 in the morning and then there up and at 'em by 7am. But they have been having a lot of people coming and seeing many saved. They did some painting yesterday. Less than a week and he'll be back, yeah!

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