Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, October 6, 2008

Good Friends!

Yeah!!! Heard from Jake late last night. They all arrived safe and sound in Andhra Pradesh after two days of travel. Jake's really enjoying it so far, said it's very different from Africa. Lots of people! He should be calling again in a few days, so glad he's enjoying himself.

Had a great day today, got to go to church, it was awesome! Great praise, great preaching! The kids had a blast in kids church too. Really looking forward to Wednesday night, it's just a night of praise and worship (Concert for One). Some good friends came up to me after church to give me a gift card for Kohls. They also asked to take the boys bowling while I went shopping, to which I gladly said a big fat yes! Had a great time picking out some much needed clothes and having a bit of time alone with Jude. They boys had a blast too, they'd been wanting to go bowling since playing it on the Wii at my brother's. Praise God for good friends.

Also got to see some other friends at church who I haven't seen for-ev-er, Marc and Andrea Pavcov and their two boys. Andrea was a leader on a TMI team Jake took to England in '96, so they go way back. We also used to hang out at their house when we were dating in Bible School (oh, the memories :). They were missionaries in Mozambique but their little boy fell down a deep well and they had to come back to the States for medical needs. Praise God, he is doing great now and they will be heading back to Mozambique next year. Andrea also homeschools so I might go hang out with her one morning while Jake's gone. Anyway you could check out their incrediable story at

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