Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We made it safe and sound to Texas lat night. It was a real long drive. The boys did great but we were certainly glad to get out of the car! There is only so much I-spy that I can take :).
Anyway we're at Jake's dad's right now, he has a beautiful house on about 20 acres. They have 2 miniature donkeys, 2 long horn steers and lots of dogs and cats. The weather is perfect, cool and crisp. I got up and went on a two mile jog this morning. I've been slacking doing my exercises since Jake went to India because I couldn't leave the kids by themselves so it felt great to get out for a run again. I had a great time just praising and talking with the Lord, looking at all his amazing creation. The horses in the fields were peering curiously at me over the fences. Everybody around here has at least 20 acres of land, my kinda of place :).
Jake is over the moon as ever since coming to the States he has been looking at tickets to go to Dallas Cowboy game. But even on ebay they have been gong for a couple hundred dollars so that is just out of the question. Anyway, Jake's dad knew a local DJ and asked him about getting some tickets and he said he'd see what he could do. Later on the DJ called up and said he managed to get four tickets and that my father-in-law needed to go pick them up from the office. When he got there, he found out that the tickets are on the fifty yard line, 39 rows up. So they're super close to the field. Jake, Josh, Seth, and Grandpa go tomorrow to enjoy the game. It's so nice to be walking in the favor of God. Now let's just hope that they win (not sure if I have that much faith!)

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