Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, September 30, 2011

One Year Anniversary

Our church just celebrated it's one year anniversay, it hardly seems possible. We have so enjoyed helping out with this new church plant and just continue to see it growing from strengh to strengh. When we first moved to our new location a few months ago, the church seemed to slow down a bit. We weren't having many visitors or seeing people getting saved. The last month or two though it has really been picking up and we are seeing lots of new faces. We had a three day Celebration outreach for the anniversary, we saw over 200 people the last day. We praise the Lord for all the souls that were saved and lives that were touched. It has been so awesome to see this church grow from the very start, we know everyone in the church and feel like such a family. The leadership all went out to eat at a "buffet" after church on Sunday, it was such a nice time of fellowship. Of course the church has already had it shares of difficulties and challenges but we do serve a faithful God. I have a great team (seven to be exact) of children's workers who are doing a fantastic job. If I do say so myself, we have an excellent children's Sunday School. I'm glad that the church has really caught the vision of how important children's ministry is as it is often overlooked in many churches.

Jake is traveling for 3 days and took the laptop with him so I am on Seth's notebook at the moment. I don't have any photos on this computer but I will try to remember to post some once Jake gets back.

On another note, Jake and I will be celebrating our 12th anniversary this Sunday. We have too much going on to do anything that day but we are hoping to take a day in the week where we can pawn off the kids to someone, go up in the hills horse riding, packing a picnic. I'm really looking forward to it. And I know this sounds terrible but it will be the first time Jake and I have had a date alone since Jordan was born. Way over due!

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