Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, May 10, 2010

Farm update

So the farm is all planted and looking great. We've got corn, soya beans, and red beans in the ground. The kids have already been up there to weed once and will keep up on it once a week. We went down there early Saturday morning with everyone from HHCH to thank God and pray for a good harvest. It was a little chilly and foggy as you can see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi.. I am sure everyone is as thankful as I here in the US to have you there and telling it "like it is".
I finally made the time to catch up on the blog. I just love seeing you grow (with my grands both in utero & daily). And
as your gardening efforts, daily events, and orphanage evolve with the time ya'll are investing.
Good Job... and thank you, I am sure from all of us here in the US!
Doing so much for so many.. God Bless you!
Everthing and everybody looking really well. Keep your heart focused.
That is quite the list of "what not" you will need for your hospital stay on Jordan's birth day! Very interesting. Anything I can particularly do? Please feel free with any requests... It is a Grammie thing. :)
Thank you both again, for keeping us all in the loop here..
I love you!
Kathy aka Grammie