Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pregnancy update

Had a good checkup at the hospital yesterday even though we were there longer than four hours! There was a total of 55 pregnant women and like I said before, you have to wait for them all to see the midwife, go to the lab, and then have a lecture before they give you your book back and you can go home. I did get my list of things to bring, it's pretty funny;
2 rolls of toilet paper (I just realized they only have squatties... that's going to be fun!)
6 pairs of rubber gloves (for the midwives I'm assuming)
Detol (a disinfectant)
Olive oil (to clean the baby with when it's born; going to skip this one)
3 amples of Methergin (will take with me but won't use unless necessary)
Rubbing Alcohol
Baby bath (?, I only planning to be there a day and can't bathe the baby in a bath till her belly button dries up... so skipping this one too)
rogam shot (because of my blood type, but I have to buy it and bring it with me :-)
And my personal favorite, a flask of hot water (I asked why and they said, "so that you can drink it when you are thirsty during labour... cold water makes you even thirstier" I told them I was bring some ice water with me instead, they said that's not normal :)
So I can see this is going to be quite the experience... I did find out the price too and if everything goes according to plan with no complications the cost is 20,000 ($40) and it is 4,000 ($8) a night for a private room (if they have one available), so that definitely won't break the bank :). Of course I have to bring all my own food and drink.

When I had Jude in Yaounde (the capital city) we paid about $600 and I thought that was pretty good! We did have probably the best OB/GYN in the country too. I will try to find my blog post of that delivery and repost it, that was quite an experience as well (but by far my easiest delivery). Jake and me are going out for breakfast together on Saturday and then going shopping for all the "paraphernalia". I'm really looking forward to a breakfast date... it's going to be a while before we can have another one all by ourselves again.


Andrea Pavkov said...

I'm wondering if the baby bath is not also used to catch the placenta....hummm..makes you wonder right?

Greg and Amy said...

Wow I thought my list was interesting in SA but yours is even more so! I didn't have to bring the rubber gloves, but I did have to bring the "sheet saver" pads for on the bed and disposible underwear! We got our food in our room, but we all sat around a large table and ate together. Praying that it all goes well for you!