Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jude's birth story

As promised below is the post I put up when Jude was born two years ago... it was quite the experience but by far my easiest delivery. Praying for just a quick and easy delivery for number four. I repeat this is about the birth of Jude, I have not had a baby yet!

Well, I'm back, praising the Lord for the safe delivery of our precious little boy. Jude is doing so well and is such a good baby. He pretty much eats and sleeps, eats and sleeps, opens his eyes for 2 minutes, eats and sleepsJ. For anyone interested I'm going to write my birthing experience (it was really good by the way). First of all, Jude wasn't due for another 3 weeks. Jake had a trip out to the East to check up on the school out there and get some info and pictures. He was only going away for one night and would be back in the afternoon of the next day. We joked about that if the baby came while he was gone, he was going to be in big trouble, but we thought there was no possible way, what are the odds. My past labours had been really long, (over 24 and 16 hours), and Jake said he could get back in 6 hours so there would be no way he could miss the birth, ha! So Jake left early Tuesday morning.
I felt good all day Tuesday, put the boys to bed at 8 and was watching the news. At about 10pm, I started having some contractions, pretty close together but they weren't strong. I just assumed they were Braxton Hicks and walked around for a little bit and they stopped in about half hour. I went to bed and then woke up at 11pm with more contractions. This time they were stronger and closer together. So I started walking around again. Half an hour later they were closer yet and I was starting to get concerned, I thought there was no way I'm going into labour with Jake gone! So I kept walking, hoping they would go but by midnight they were coming every 5 to 4 minutes and were starting to hurt. I called Jake and told him he better start coming home. Then called my doctor and he told me to meet him at the military hospital so he could check me (that's where he works), and then we would go on the CNPF hospital where I was meant to deliver (a lot nicer and cleaner than the military hospital). Then I called my missionary friend, Sun, who was meant to look after the kids, to ask them to take me to the hospital and get the kids. But, woes upon woes, her phone wouldn't go through, I tried and tried, to no avail, so I was starting to freak out a bit. Called Jake up again and asked him to try and call. He called me back and said that he couldn't get a hold of Sun, but had called Emmanuel (good friend from church) and he was coming to get me, phew! So got the boys up, quickly tried to pack my bag, and get all the baby stuff together (I was sooo unready). Contractions were still coming consistently but not too painful. So Emmanuel got here about quarter to 1 and of we went to the hospital. I went in and left the kids in the car with Emmanuel. The doctor was waiting for me in his office and he checked me and I was already at 5 cent. (It had taken me about 10 hours to get to this point before!). The doctor said he thought the baby would be there in less than an hour so there was no time to go on to the other hospital. Called Emmanuel and told him to bring my bags up and take the boys home with him. I was still just walking about the dr. office breathing thorough contractions that were getting stronger but still not too bad.
Then the doctor realized that someone had taken the key for the delivery room home! He called the guy up and told him to hurry up and bring it. About 20 mins. later the key came, and finally got in the delivery room. The doctor checked me and I was at 8 cent. He told me to walk around for about 10 more minutes which I did, by now the contractions were intense, I was shouting "Jesus" out during them J. Then I got up on the table, he told me to push, I did two times and the baby was out! They put him on my chest and I touched his head and he started crying. Then I was like "what is it!!!" and the doctor said a boy. I was sooo happy, it was like a dream, I couldn't believe that it was all over already! It was exactly 2 am in the morning and I had only had about 10 min. of intense pain! Soooo different than my past two deliveries. They took Jude to get cleaned up and he was crying the whole time. His apgar score was 10. About 10 minutes later they brought Jude to me and wheeled me into the room. Jake called just about then… as he had just got into a town that had cell phone reception. The first thing I said is that it's a boy, and he couldn't believe I had already had Jude. He was happy and sad at the same time as he missed his birth. He said he'd be there in about 4 hours.
The room wasn't too bad… It actually had a really nice bed, one that moves up and down. But there was mold on the wall and the toilet had no toilet seat and the shower leaked so when you was on the potty you got all wet J. But it could have been worse.
Jake got there about 7 in the morning, I was so happy to see him! Later he went to get the boys and we were all together, it was so nice. I did have an allergic reaction to something; the doctor thinks it was to the "antiseptic" water that they washed me with after I gave birth. I had hives all over my legs, it was really weird. They gave me a shot and it got a lot better. The water was in an old Fanta bottle so maybe I was allergic to the Fanta instead!Anyway, I got to go home the next morning; the rash was just about cleared up. I'm still amazed at how easy this whole delivery was, God was really with me. Jude is such a huge blessing and the boys just love him (after they got over the disappointment of not having a sisterJ). They just hug and kiss him all the time; I have to watch that they don't smother him.


andersons said...

Aww - I love birth stories! Kids are such a blessing :)
We'll be praying for you as you prepare to have this baby - better keep Jake close by!

Anonymous said...

I remember this like it was yesterday. Not that I was there. Well Not untill about a month and a half after Jude was born, but the story still is a clear memory!
He was so tiny.. and you were so brave.. and Jacob was so trying to get there..
Glad everyone is home right now. Jude surprised us and who knows what Jordan may have in mind.
God Bless, can't wait, Grammie