Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Something to pray about

When we lived in the capital, Yaounde, we were involved with a church plant for the Full Gospel Church. It was (and still is) called Yaounde International Chapel and one of it's goals was to reach leaders of the country. We had some opposition at the start from some people saying it wasn't biblical, there is no need for it, etc. I think they thought it was going to be like an exclusive club and of course it is not like that at all... we wanted a church that was open for all people with a focus on leader. Ways we did this was by meeting in a hotel, trying to keep to time, and incorporating some more modern worship songs into the worship. If anyone has been to Africa you know that their praise is fantastic, they put 100% into it... but worship (as in singing worship) is often just one song or non existent. Anyway the church started in 2005 and has been going strong ever since full of people from all walks of life. Jake was the youth pastor there and I ended up being the Children's director. When we left two years ago it was up to two services with about 300 people attending (a big church for Cameroon). Since then they have started a sister church in the other capital city. They are doing a great job of reaching out to the leaders in their city and spreading the light of Jesus.

All of this to say we were approached by a good friend that works at the Full Gospel Bible School here in Bamenda. He's visited the church in Yaounde a few times and has really caught the vision. He is wanting to start something similar here and would like us to be on the leadership team. He even ask Jake to be assistant pastor but since Jake doesn't have enough time as it is to get everything done he is meant to be getting done he politely declined. But we have decided to be on the leadership team and help wherever/whenever possible. Jake will probably mentor someone that is wanting to work with the youth as well and I will head up the children's program again (wohoo!). The church is set to start in August and right now a lot of planning is going on. So please keep this endeavor in your prayers. It is never easy starting a church but it is very exciting and wonderful to see how the Lord helps and sustains us through it all and see the lives that He touches. I'll keep you posted on how things are coming along.

One of the first services at Yaounde International Chapel 

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